Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fall 2010

We had a great fall this year. The kids were so excited to start school which makes it easy on me and dad! We did a ton of fun things this fall with the kids and Leah did good being brought all over the place. Our kids are at such fun stages I wish I could freeze them right now! Love you guys so much!

Downtown at art prize with Lauryn and Logan.

Reading to Leah--how cute is this!

My sweet Little Leah---She is such a wonderful baby and I don't know what I would do without her!

First day of preschool for Logan. He was so excited to see Mrs. Boomsma and Mrs. Van

First day of school for Lauryn- I think she was up at 5:30 this morning --was a very excited little girl! I am going to miss them!!

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