Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Conference Grounds

We went to the Conference Grounds over teacher's convention. It turned out to be a beautiful weekend. On Saturday night we could sit around the fire with no coats on(being the end of October we were pretty lucky). The kids had a ball most days I never saw them as they were playing with friends, riding bikes, playing on the playground, playing in other trailers or playing at the rec center. It's such a great place to stay they offer so much for the kids. We did trick or treating, decorated cookies, had carmel apples, carved pumpkins and family dodge ball. The best part for me was supper was provided most nights which was wonderful. We hope to do this weekend again since the kids had so much fun! Leah also did wonderful and loved being outside so much--she slept great at night because of this!


  1. Dear Tyler,Sarajane and kids:
    What fun pictures, it looks like you had so much fun at the conference grounds.
    What precious gifts these children are, healthy and well and happy. May God bless you as you raise them for His glory! Love Mom and Grandma
