Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010--what a blessing to be celebrating it another year with my family! I love the fact that Lauryn and Logan are truly realizing the TRUE meaning of Chritmas! The last couple years we have done the 3 gifts for them and this year they both understood why ---Jesus received 3 gifts. They both thought that was really cool. Almost everynight we read the Christmas story and they loved to talk about it. We even sang together a couple nights for our devotions. It is just so fun to see your kids finally getting to see the real meaning we celebrate this day. It was also fun to have Leah this year at Christmas. We are so thankful to God for a healthy baby girl and for all the other blessings he has given to us this year. We look forward to a wonderful 2011!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Conference Grounds

We went to the Conference Grounds over teacher's convention. It turned out to be a beautiful weekend. On Saturday night we could sit around the fire with no coats on(being the end of October we were pretty lucky). The kids had a ball most days I never saw them as they were playing with friends, riding bikes, playing on the playground, playing in other trailers or playing at the rec center. It's such a great place to stay they offer so much for the kids. We did trick or treating, decorated cookies, had carmel apples, carved pumpkins and family dodge ball. The best part for me was supper was provided most nights which was wonderful. We hope to do this weekend again since the kids had so much fun! Leah also did wonderful and loved being outside so much--she slept great at night because of this!

Fall 2010

We had a great fall this year. The kids were so excited to start school which makes it easy on me and dad! We did a ton of fun things this fall with the kids and Leah did good being brought all over the place. Our kids are at such fun stages I wish I could freeze them right now! Love you guys so much!

Downtown at art prize with Lauryn and Logan.

Reading to Leah--how cute is this!

My sweet Little Leah---She is such a wonderful baby and I don't know what I would do without her!

First day of preschool for Logan. He was so excited to see Mrs. Boomsma and Mrs. Van

First day of school for Lauryn- I think she was up at 5:30 this morning --was a very excited little girl! I am going to miss them!!