Thursday, March 18, 2010

My little girl is 7!

Wow how time flies. I can't believe that my little girl is 7 already. To look back I remember thinking that maybe Tyler and I would never have any children of are own but with the help of God and a special doctor we were given are 1st miracle Lauryn Faith! I will never forget the day you were born a Valentine's day baby-how cool! We were so excited to have a little girl and cried when we first saw your face! You have turned out to be the sweetest, most caring, lovable girl with the greatest smile ever. You make Mommy and Daddy's life so happy and full of JOY! I hope you had a wonderful birthday with the many celebrations we had for you! We had a party with all are families, your friends from school and on your birthday we went to Chuck e Cheese! It was a great week. We pray God gives us many more years to celebrate you! We love you sweet girl!!

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