Thursday, March 25, 2010

My 2 loves!

Oh how I love these 2 little faces! It is so fun to see them play more together now and actually get along and like eachother. It amazes me how you can have 2 kids and how God created them with very different personality's. Lauryn is soooo laid back and doesn't want to do anything wrong and then there is Logan who everyday knows how to push mommy's buttons and sometimes it works!!! But I would'nt trade it for the world and I love them both so much and love that they are so different. It makes life intresting that is for sure! This winter Logan is so into building stuff and fixing things, he carries his tools around everywhere.(even bringing them everywhere we go). Lauryn was on the swim team and did so well. I am amazed at what a good swimmer she is. She learned the backstroke and worked on perfecting the free style. We were so proud of her-she is my little fish! It has been such a fun winter with our kids and look forward to many more fun memories!

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