Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Logan's 5

I can't beleive he is 5 already! Time has sure flown by! Logan is my challenge child but he is the most loving, caring little boy I have known. I think he says to me at least 20 times a day how much he loves me. I don't know what I would do without him (our life would be way to quiet). Happy Birthday buddy! We wish you many more fun years and that you always know how much we love you!!!

Summer Lovin

What an amazing summer! We could not have asked for better weather. My kids had a funfilled summer. We started off by going to the Confrence grounds camping and wow was that a fun time. I was told by both of them that they want to do 2 weeks there next year! It was a great time and kids stay busy out there every hour of the day. We spent a lot of time at the cottage especially after Leah was born. It was easier for me to be there than at home because the kids could play on the water all day! We went to the beach a few times not as many as we would like but next year will be a little easier. We just love summer as a family and wish it lasted all year!!

Catching up on Pictures

It is amazing to see how much they change within a couple months!

Love snuggling with my 3 kiddos!!!

LOVE this picture-it is how she fell asleep one day!

It's been a while

Wow it's been awhile since I have updated. I thought going from 2 to 3 kids wasn't bad but now that she is a little older IT IS BUSY!!! Leah is now 5 months old and is the best baby by far I have ever had. She is always smiling and is full of giggles now(especially when Lauryn and Logan are around). She is a very good napper (takes about 2 a day for about 2 hours) and is sleeping 10 hours at night. She brings so much Joy to our house it is so fun to have a baby again. I'm loving all the girl stuff again. Lauryn is like her 2nd mother and helps me out whenever I ask--Logan on the other hand loves her but still is a little mean to her at times we have to watch him when he is around her! I am going to post older pictures so I can show you how she has grown. I will hopefully keep this blog up a little better from now on. (Thanks to my friend Julie R. for reminding me about this).

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our 3rd little Miracle!

We welcomed Leah Paige into the world on July1,2010! I was so ready to have this little girl and to finally see what she looked like. It is so amazing to me from the time they are born how much love you have for this little person who you just met! She is such a little miracle to her Daddy and I and we pray that she will have a full and healthy life. Lauryn and Logan are also thrilled to have a little sister (more Lauryn then Logan) and were so excited to finally know her name after many months of waiting. Welcome to the world Leah we love you so very much!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cottage Days

My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE the cottage. They started asking to go up the first part of May and Lauryn wondered if we could live up there this summer. It is an amazing place to be in the summer and as a family we love being there. This was Memorial day weekend and it was such beautiful weather. We even were able to swim in the lake without freezing this weekend(I don't ever remember wanting to swim this early). We hope to create many wonderful memories this summer at the cottage.

This is a first!

This is a first that I have ever seen Logan just fall asleep on the floor during the DAY! It was on a Sunday and Tyler was playing with him and Lauryn and he said he was tired and was going to make a bed. Tyler looked over about 5 minutes later and he was sound alseep. We were laughing so hard because he slept like this for about 45 minutes. This boy never stops so it was so cute to see him like this for a change. Love you buddy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little of this and that

We have a had a wonderful spring and are now looking forward to summer!!! The kids had to get the pool out the first warm day we had! They love being goofy to the camera! We also went to Tulip Time again this year. Lauryn and Logan love to go see the dancers, walk around the stores and most of all getting cotton candy is the best thing! We also celebrated Mother's day by going out to eat and just relaxing as a family--- it was wonderful to be with just them this year~! I thank God everyday that he has given me my children who are healthy and happy and that I can have many more wonderful years with them! I love them to pieces!!!!

"best day of my life"

Mom this is the best day of my life is what Lauryn said to me the day we went to Avalanche Bay! We went the end of April for a night and had a blast with the kids! Lauryn and Logan love water and rode every ride there. Tyler and I just love to see the kids having fun and seeing the smiles on their faces all day long. The first night we were there you can see from the picture how tired they were-it took them about 1 minute to fall asleep! They also loved the outdoor pool because they could swim outdoors but the pool was about 90 degrees. We had such a wonderful time and hope to do this every year with them! Love you guys!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spring is in the air

Our family is so excited that it is finally getting warmer outside. Lauryn and Logan are so much happier if they can be outside and play. I posted some pictures from March. The first few are of Easter which we were by my family this year. We had so much fun with the whole family and we did an easter egg hunt for the kids which they loved. It seems like sooo many people when you see this picture (23 with another one coming==24 people). Logan also learned to ride his bike this month. (don't you love his pink bike) We gave him 1 push and he took right off. It is so cute to see this little boy ride all by himself. It is scary how fast he is growing up. Lauryn is doing good and LOVES school, which is a blessing. I will try to post more pictures sooner.