Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's been a while

Wow it's been awhile since I have updated. I thought going from 2 to 3 kids wasn't bad but now that she is a little older IT IS BUSY!!! Leah is now 5 months old and is the best baby by far I have ever had. She is always smiling and is full of giggles now(especially when Lauryn and Logan are around). She is a very good napper (takes about 2 a day for about 2 hours) and is sleeping 10 hours at night. She brings so much Joy to our house it is so fun to have a baby again. I'm loving all the girl stuff again. Lauryn is like her 2nd mother and helps me out whenever I ask--Logan on the other hand loves her but still is a little mean to her at times we have to watch him when he is around her! I am going to post older pictures so I can show you how she has grown. I will hopefully keep this blog up a little better from now on. (Thanks to my friend Julie R. for reminding me about this).

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