Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little of this and that

We have a had a wonderful spring and are now looking forward to summer!!! The kids had to get the pool out the first warm day we had! They love being goofy to the camera! We also went to Tulip Time again this year. Lauryn and Logan love to go see the dancers, walk around the stores and most of all getting cotton candy is the best thing! We also celebrated Mother's day by going out to eat and just relaxing as a family--- it was wonderful to be with just them this year~! I thank God everyday that he has given me my children who are healthy and happy and that I can have many more wonderful years with them! I love them to pieces!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sara and Tyler and kids:
    Your pictures of your kids are so cute. What blessings, I just thank God every day for them and can't wait to love another little one, another gift.
    May God bless you in these final days with 2 children and bless you with a heap of blessings as you go through labor and delivery. Praying daily for your health and wellbeing and for yo9ur precious little girl to be just perfect. Love to all of you and our prayers for the best.
    Love Mom and Grandma
