Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Logan's 5

I can't beleive he is 5 already! Time has sure flown by! Logan is my challenge child but he is the most loving, caring little boy I have known. I think he says to me at least 20 times a day how much he loves me. I don't know what I would do without him (our life would be way to quiet). Happy Birthday buddy! We wish you many more fun years and that you always know how much we love you!!!

Summer Lovin

What an amazing summer! We could not have asked for better weather. My kids had a funfilled summer. We started off by going to the Confrence grounds camping and wow was that a fun time. I was told by both of them that they want to do 2 weeks there next year! It was a great time and kids stay busy out there every hour of the day. We spent a lot of time at the cottage especially after Leah was born. It was easier for me to be there than at home because the kids could play on the water all day! We went to the beach a few times not as many as we would like but next year will be a little easier. We just love summer as a family and wish it lasted all year!!

Catching up on Pictures

It is amazing to see how much they change within a couple months!

Love snuggling with my 3 kiddos!!!

LOVE this picture-it is how she fell asleep one day!

It's been a while

Wow it's been awhile since I have updated. I thought going from 2 to 3 kids wasn't bad but now that she is a little older IT IS BUSY!!! Leah is now 5 months old and is the best baby by far I have ever had. She is always smiling and is full of giggles now(especially when Lauryn and Logan are around). She is a very good napper (takes about 2 a day for about 2 hours) and is sleeping 10 hours at night. She brings so much Joy to our house it is so fun to have a baby again. I'm loving all the girl stuff again. Lauryn is like her 2nd mother and helps me out whenever I ask--Logan on the other hand loves her but still is a little mean to her at times we have to watch him when he is around her! I am going to post older pictures so I can show you how she has grown. I will hopefully keep this blog up a little better from now on. (Thanks to my friend Julie R. for reminding me about this).