Saturday, September 26, 2009

Movin Dirt

Exciting day for my kids!! My brother Matt was doing landscape at our neighbors house and Logan and Lauryn wanted so bad to ride the bobcat!! Lucky for them Jeff was willing to let them ride with him!! They each were on there for about 20-30 minutes. Logan was in his glory. He didn't even want to come in for lunch!! He is all boy.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Back to School!

I can't believe Lauryn is in First grade already! She was so excited to go to school that she was up the night before till 11:30! She asked me if she could just stay up until morning-promising me she would not be tired! She had a great first day at school and came home VERY tired. I was asking about her day and she said to me " Mom can you not talk to me right now i just don't have enough energy right now"! Love her to pieces!!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Little man is 4!!

I can't believe my little boy is 4!! Wow how time flies!! Logan is such a sweetie yet at the same time a little challenging!! Happy Birthday Buddy!! We love you!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wow what a summer!

Wow where do I begin!! It was an awesome summer! It was by far my easiest summer and one I enjoyed a lot because of my kids ages. I wish I could freeze them at this age! Logan learned to kneeboard this summer. It was so cute! He would keep his eyes closed most of the time. They also got into fishing this year and would go a lot with Grandpa Don. Lauryn is my mermaid I think she is under water more than she is above! It was just a fun summer even though the weather was not very nice. We went camping, to the beach, cottage and went to a couple parks.

Lauryn loved to kneeboard and tube!

Lauryn and her cousin Nolan-- best buds!

Lauryn found a turtle and named her Foxy!!!

Pentwater 2009

Here I go!!!

Well I am finally a blogger! I have wanted to do one for a while and never had the time. I still don't have extra time but want to do this for Lauryn and Logan!!! I hope you all enjoy seeing A Little L & L !!!!!