Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Exciting News!

Here we go again! We are so excited to announce we are having baby #3 ! We are very excited and yet a little nervous to have a little one again. Lauryn was so excited when we told her and Logan was not so excited. This is what he said" I don't want a baby they are going to break my stuff and steal it and I will have to share". I think he gets what this little one will do to him!!! He is getting used to it now and talks about having a brother and naming him Connor(who knows where he got this idea). Lauryn would love a sister so we will have to see what happens! I am due July 9 but I usually go a little early. The picture is at 9 weeks! It is so amazing and such a MIRACLE.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

Lauryn and Logan loved carving their pumpkins this year. They both scooped out most of the stuff and had an idea of what they wanted it to look like. It was so cute! Lauryn was a witch this year and Logan was a pirate. The oly bummer was Logan was sick that night and had a fever so he was not in the mood for anything including pictures. We did some trick or treating in our neighborhood with some of our neighbors. It was a little cold but fun!